This was definitely an amazing flash, with the movements, the fluidity. Top notch.
Having said that, I have a few issues, but nothing big.
At one point, the 'camera' was way to close it was hard to tell what was going on, although maybe that was the point, in order to set up for the ending scene where he's surrounded.
Also, the shaking camera is definitely cool, just would have been nice to have one smooth transition in there. But once again, perhaps there was someone actually filming this the whole time...if that's the case, I'm convinced.
Last item, totally opinion, you used, I'm not going to bash your use for sticks, but after seeing the way you animate and the quality you are capable of producing, there is no reason for someone with your skill to make a movie with sticks. You could easily have substituted the formless their limbs with well drawn body parts. Same with the torso. The heads were cool.
Once again, kickass animation, but it's like you set up this amazing magic trick and pulled a bunny out of a hat. I don't see why this has an all time top score but hey, more power to you, you definitely know how to kick ass - I just wish you had done it throughout the entire animation.